Ελληνικά - Greek

Vertical Ticker

Vertical Ticker module for Elxis 4.x, 5.x scrolls vertically in steps content items and images

Vertical Ticker module for Elxis 4.x, 5.x scrolls vertically in steps, from bottom to top and vice versa, content items with image, title, date, subtitle and link to each article. Apart of content items, the module can scroll also images from any subfolder under media/images folder of an Elxis site, or custom user images up to 6 items. The module can work in many instances at the same page with different scrolling parameters for each instance, supporting multisites.

Έχει διαβαστεί 1785 φορές
Ετικέτες: scroller vertical steps content images
Επόμενο άρθρο
Σήμερα Γιορτάζουν
Α' Χαιρετισμοί
Θεοφύλακτος, Φυλακτός, Θεοφύλακτη, Φυλακτή, Θεοδώρου Τήρωνος, Ψυχοσάββατο, Θεόδωρος, Θεοδώρα, Δώρα, Ντόρα

Κατακόρυφος Ολισθητής Αντικειμένων

  • Vertical Ticker
    Vertical Ticker
    Vertical Ticker module for Elxis 4.x, 5.x scrolls vertically in steps content items and images
  • Flickr Gallery
    Flickr Gallery
    Flickr Gallery Plugin for Elxis 4.x
  • Responsive Flickr Show
    Responsive Flickr Show
    Responsive Flickr Show Plugin for Elxis 4.x, 5.x
  • Elevate Zoom
    Elevate Zoom
    Elevate Zoom Plugin for Elxis 4.x
  • Scroller
    Scroller module for Elxis 4.x scrolls horizontally from right to left multilingual content items or custom text

Κατακόρυφος Ολισθητής Αντικειμένων

  • Vertical Ticker
    Vertical Ticker module for Elxis 4.x, 5.x scrolls vertically in steps content items and images
  • Flickr Gallery
    Flickr Gallery Plugin for Elxis 4.x
  • Responsive Flickr Show
    Responsive Flickr Show Plugin for Elxis 4.x, 5.x
  • Elevate Zoom
    Elevate Zoom Plugin for Elxis 4.x
  • Scroller
    Scroller module for Elxis 4.x scrolls horizontally from right to left multilingual content items or custom text

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